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Meer informatie over het stadsbestuur Genk?

Stad Genk
Stadsplein 1
3600 Genk
T 089 65 36 00

Volg ons op Facebook: www.facebook.com/stadgenk
Volg ons op Twitter: @stadgenk

Email disclaimer City of Genk

The contents of this email and any attachments can only bind the city of Genk provided there is an official approval on the matter. Opinions or views expressed in this email are those of the author and are not necessarily supported by the city of Genk or by other bodies responsible for the formal and binding advice on the matter. The city of Genk is doing everything to ensure safe and virus free email traffic, but can not prevent this e-mail from being intercepted, corrupted, delayed or infected. The city of Genk is not liable for any direct or indirect damages or costs resulting from incomplete and / or incorrect information and documents in this email, or in case it shouldn’t arrive in a timely manner.

This message may contain (confidential) information that is intended solely for the intended recipient (s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are kindly requested to destroy this email and any attachments and notify the sender.

More information about the City of Genk?

City Council
Stadsplein 1
3600 Genk
T +32 89 65 36 00

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stadgenk
Follow us on Twitter: @stadgenk